Dead Man's Curve, California

Gone Diggin'

                        Hwy 58 East, 2 miles east of Kramer Junction
Location:                  Kramer Junction, California

       Mark Allen Parker
Date of Accident:   

Inscription:              “1966            Mark Allen Parker             2002

                                            Gone diggin’”

Age:                                 36

Description:            The first of two victims of California's Dead Man's curve is Mark Allen Parker.  Five years ago, several white crosses decorated this stretch of Hwy. 58.  Due to the harsh desert conditions, only the recent victims remain.   Mark's memorial is a sturdy wooden cross with finely etched lettering.  A pot of fake flowers lie at the crosses base, as does the license plate of the death car.  Most interestingly, the original crude cross lies in the dust in front of the new cross.  I imagine the family upgraded to the new cross as time went by.  The broken glass in front of the cross is a poignant touch.  About 100 ft. away, we find another victim ... possibly from the other car involved in the accident!

Analysis:                 Dead Man's Curve, California:  What does the California Department of Highways expect?  Put a narrow two lane highway in the middle of the desert, randomly add a sharp turn in the middle of the road, and voila!  Death Trap!!  This is a fairly easy road during the day, but come nightfall, this must be a bitch!  Poor old Mark Parker probably was on a road trip to Vegas when he encounter this deadly turn.  He thought he'd avoid the 15 Fwy traffic by taking a shortcut.  Little did he realize this shortcut went to hell (or heaven)!  I imagine he took the turn too fast one night, veered into the other lane, and slammed head first into another car (driven by a Cancer.).  His cross says "Gone Diggin'", but it'll take a lot of diggin' to free him from his new home 6' under.

More Images:     Photo Two - Photo Three

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