Lost in the Wind

                        Hwy 395, 4 miles south of Minden, Nevada
Location:                  Minden, Nevada
Date of Accident:   

Inscription:              "♥X0X0     In Memory"

Age:                                  ?

Description:            This is another standard white wooden cross with a wreath made of fake blue & white flowers.  A small white plastic fence forms a pseudo grave at the base of the cross.  The victim’s name was written on the cross with a black marker, but the harsh conditions of this windswept highway have worn away their identity.  Only the hugs and kisses remain.

Analysis:                 This is the type of highway that lulls its victims to sleep.  I suspect this happened to our mystery casualty.  After a day of gambling in Reno, the victim took a nap at 75 mph and woke up just in time to die.

More Images:    Photo Two - Photo Three

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