and Deceased
Road: 14 Freeway North, ˝ mile south of Avenue F
Location: Lancaster, CA
Victim: Nicole Lynn Schaefer
Date of Accident: October 5, 2002Inscription: Originally, just “Nicole”. In 2003, the Family went back and added a full blown memorial, complete with photo, poems, and lots o' decorations. "In loving memory, Nicole Lynn Schaefer, April 30, 1986 - October 5, 2002".
Age: 16
Description: Simple white cross with the name “Nicole” painted on in fancy black lettering. Fake blue flowers and a teddy bear angel are attached to the cross. A larger white cross looms in the background. This is probably another tribute to Nicole. This year, Nicole's family added a new monument to their gorgeous daughter. It is a free standing frame with a photo of Nicole, surrounded by a wreath of flowers and two poems.
Analysis: Boy, did I get this one wrong. Here is my original analysis before the new monument was added:
"This memorial lies on a lonely spot a few miles outside of Lancaster. There is no obvious cause for this accident, but the second anonymous cross at the site gives us a clue, so let’s run with it: Nicole is driving home after a log day working in Palmdale. She can’t wait to get home to her 200 channels of satellite TV in Mojave. Unfortunately, she is beat, and the straight boring road lulls her gently to sleep. She slams into the small car driving in front her, and both cars go careening off the road. Soon, both cars are flipping, and wind up whirling fireballs. Nicole’s family gives her a nice intimate memorial, while the other victim’s family places their immense, mysterious cross a few yards away behind a fence."
Obviously, I was completely wrong about this one. The second cross is most likely for Nicole - - probably from her high school friends. Here's my revised analysis: Poor Nicole was just a 16 year old kid with a driver's permit, who probably slid off the road during a rain or wind storm. Or maybe she just fell asleep, hit the embankment, overcorrected, and flipped the car. Either way, a very pretty girl was cut down in her prime. What a waste!
More Images: Photo One - Photo Two - Photo Three - Update 1 - Update 2 - Update 4
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