Xmas Heartbreak

                        Indian Ave., ½ mile north of 10 Fwy. (west side)
Location:                  North Palm Springs, CA
Nancy Perez
Age:                           32
Date of Accident:   
March 3, 2001

“Nancy Perez 5-22-1968 – 3/10/2001”

Description:            Nancy’s white cross stands vigil across the street from Bobbie Ann Myer’s.  This is an absolutely beautiful white cross.  It is a magnificently hand painted cross. surrounded by a bed of rocks and lushly decorated with fake flowers.  Glass angels are taped to a blue ribbon, which drapes across the cross.  This was truly a labor of love.  A very disturbing note addressed to Santa is placed at its base, along with a full bottle of Coke. 

A cross road intersects Indian Ave. just north of where the accident took place.  Odds are that some drunk went through the stop sign, turned onto Indian Ave., and plowed into Nancy in 2001 and Bobbie Ann 2002.  The really disturbing thing about White Crosses are that they are visited often, as testified by the note to Santa.  This is a common occurrence.  Often you will find birthday cards and Christmas trinkets left at roadside memorials.

Update 9/11/03:
This young mother's family is doing an excellent job maintaining her cross.  This is the only cross I've ever seen that has been given a new paint job.  It has been beautifully done, I might add.  Of course, more flowers and stuff have been added to the base.  I love the new billboard that looms in the background.  How cheesy is that? 

More Images:  Photo One - Photo Three - Update 1 - Update 2 - Update3

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