Someone's Wife

                        Road 31, 5 miles West of Davis, 6 miles east of 505 Fwy, 2 miles west of Road 95
Location:                  Davis, CA
Date of Accident:   
October 7, 1997

Inscription:              "Vicki       December 1, 1947 - October 7, 1997"

Age:                                  49

Description:            This is a rather standard white wooden cross with heart shape wreath made of fake purple flowers.  It has black lettering painted on, and is very well preserved.

Analysis:                 Vicki met here demise on a lonely country road, at a tricky bend in the road just before a bridge.  I suspect this mother and longtime housewife was speeding home late after visiting a friend - - she missed the turn and flew off the road.  I imagine her car rolled a few times before coming to rest in the dry creek bed.  Vicki probably wasn’t found until morning, by which time she was cold and stiff.

More Images:    Photo Two 

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