Thanks for the Memories

                        Lamont Hwy (CA State Hwy 184), West side of road, 1 ¾ miles east of Lamont
Location:                  Lamont, California

      Juanito Hernandez
Date of Accident:   

Inscription:              “Memore,   Juanito Hernandez”

Age:                                 ?

Description:            This one is unusual because it is actually a double cross.  The first cross is made of out of a blue metal pole, and it has the message written in stickers.  A smaller metal cross is in front of the blue cross.    Fake flowers and a wicker wreath drape this cross.  A white vase with flowers sits in front.  This is a real low-end road memorial.

Analysis:                 Okay, I don't want to sound like an asshole, but in the Central Valley of California, you find lots of these crosses.  They are poorly constructed, use a hodge-podge of materials, have tributes written in Spanish , and and are adorned with lots of Virgin Mary or Catholic Saint candles  (this one is literally 100 ' from the very similar white cross of Jesus Espinosa).  Jumping to a stereotypical conclusion, I have found that many a migrant farm worker have met their fate on the lonely roads of the San Joaquin.  This guy probably had one too many Budweisers on a lazy Sunday afternoon, and ended up slamming head first into one of the many big rigs that frequent this highway.  Prove me wrong, people.  Prove me wrong!

More Images:     Photo Two - Photo Three

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