Death Alley Nevada

Easy Rider

Road:                        Hwy 395 at Pen Rod Lane, 2 miles north of Lake Topaz and the California border (East Side of Road)
Location:                  Lake Topaz, Nevada

Paul Stewart
Date of Accident:   
December 13, 1994 (?)

Inscription:              "Paul Stewart
                                            13               94

                                            Born May 27, 1976”

Age:                                 18

Description:            Small white cross across the street from Java’s memorial.  This one is hidden in a ditch off the side of the road (I almost missed it!)  The broken windshield wiper and pieces of the car lie at the base of the cross, along with fake red roses.  A Christmas wreath hangs off the cross, as do white flowers tied with lace.  Most interestingly, a medallion of a hawks claw grasping a ball is draped on the cross. 

Analysis:                 Fatality #2 of Death Alley Nevada.  This was obviously a motorcycle accident.  A Xmas wreath dates the accident.  Paul probably hit a patch of black ice after a winter storm, and slid into oblivion.

More Images:    Photo One - Photo Three - Photo Four - Death Alley Nevada, Part 3

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